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The IMDG Code, 2018 Edition (Inc. Amendment 39-18) will be published and available for purchase in late August of this year, The English Edition will be followed by the French and Spanish versions in late 2018.

Please note that the IMDG Code, 2018 Edition will come into force on the 1st of January 2020 for 2 years and may be applied voluntarily as from 1st of January 2019.

This new edition renders the IMDG Code Supplement, 2014 Edition obsolete with immediate effect.

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, which was first published in 1965, amplifies the requirements of both Conventions and has become the standard guide to all aspects of handling dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea transport. The IMDG Code lays down basic principles: detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials and articles, and a number of recommendations for good operational practice, including advice on terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling, and emergency response action.


New Thomas Stowage Coming soon!

We are pleased to announce that the latest edition of Thomas Stowage will be available from the 1st of August 2018. This New Edition contains an additional 32 pages including latest legislation and a new Appendix: A Glossary of Cargo Handling and Shipping Terms.

In this eighth edition of Thomas’ Stowage revisions will be found in all parts of the book, including the 2018 changes to the IMSBC Code.

A major change in this edition is the inclusion of a new Appendix, A Glossary of Cargo Handling and Shipping Terms. The terms have been obtained from a variety of sources and suggestions for further entries or amendments will be most welcome. Thomas’ Stowage continues to be regarded as the definitive reference on the subject and is recommended by many organisations with an interest in the safe handling and carriage of cargoes. It is an essential resource for ships’ officers, the freight operations and insurance departments of ship owners and operators, ship agents, terminal operators, freight forwarders,container packers, maritime lawyers, training schools and marine insurance companies.


For more information on either of these publications or to secure your copy, please contact our Poseidon Team on 01542 841245 or email info@poseidonnavigation.com